Should Real Estate Agents Offer Home Warranty Coverage in California?

Written By: HomeGuard HomeWarranty on March 17, 2022

home warranty coverage in california

Home warranty coverage in California can help home sellers get an offer on a home. Even if sellers don’t offer the warranty, many buyers take out a warranty on a new home as a way to avoid hefty, unexpected repair bills. But home warranty coverage can be provided by real estate agents as a way to benefit the seller and buyer. Here’s why you may want to consider offering a home warranty policy on a California home for sale.

Home Warranty Coverage in California – An Incentive for Buyers and Sellers

Buying or selling a home comes with dozens of unexpected expenses, some big and some small. Instead of shelling out $2000 or more for a new furnace when one breaks down, with an affordable home warranty in California, you would only pay the service fee of the policy, $40-$70 per repair. Sellers and buyers alike could use that savings. As an agent, when you offer to cover the warranty, it is a big incentive for both parties.

Sell Homes Quicker

In a hot real estate market, homes sell quickly, but as the market slows down, you may need to use other tools to encourage buyers to make offers. A home warranty is an added resource that can help the buyer make the decision to buy because they are secure in the knowledge they won’t have a lot of repair bills in the first few months.

Higher Home Value

A home on the market with a home warranty can bring up to 3% more in home value. This makes the seller happier and is good news for your commission. Buyers want homes with warranties. Offering one on your homes for sale is good for business.

Saves Time and Money

Yes, a home warranty saves time and money for the homeowner, but it also saves your time and money. The new homeowner won’t have to go through you if something breaks down immediately after move-in. You won’t have to get involved to resolve problems. If anything breaks down during the sale and before closing, you can more easily resolve the issue. It’s just good protection for you, the home owner and home buyer.

The Best Home Warranty Plans in California

Build your business by offering a home warranty on homes you sell. Our team can help you manage this benefit for sellers and buyers alike. Contact HomeGuard HomeWarranty today to discuss plan options, pricing, and optional coverages.