Learn to Work Smarter as You Adjust to Working from Home

Written By: Ben on August 28, 2020

real estate home warranty company arizona

The coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of Americans to work from home, including those in the real estate industry like some of us at your top rated California and Arizona home warranty company. Whether you have set up a home office in the past few months or are ahead of the trends and did it years ago, most realtors have been forced to adjust to at least a partial work-from-home lifestyle.

As a top rated home warranty company we speak with many realtors every day, providing home warranties that are affordable and cover numerous types of repairs, something that can really come in handy for new homeowners or as an incentive to potential buyers. While our clients may have already made the necessary adjustments to working from home during the pandemic there are a number of things we can share that may help you be a more effective remote worker in the real estate industry.

Create a Comfortable Workspace

Dedicating an area of your home to work can help you feel more disciplined to complete your tasks during the day and easier to walk away from work at the end of the day. While a separate office is preferable, you can claim a corner of the living room, part of a hallway, or a portion of your own bedroom as working space too. Be sure that everyone in the family respects your space and doesn’t touch anything in it without your permission.

Take Your Workday Seriously

From keeping your regular routine including showering and getting dressed as you would for a day at the office to dedicating your workday hours as time when your family, loved ones, and even your pets are not allowed to interrupt your day will really help you be at least as productive as you are when you are in the office.

Create Separate Space and Time for Work and Play

To the greatest extent possible you should try to separate your work time and space from your time for yourself and your living space. Keeping separate areas and times will keep you from getting burned out. When you’re working from home it’s easy to end up working at odd hours and not taking your regular breaks, you need to keep a routine that allows you the rest and relaxation you need to be able to focus and be productive during the time that you work.

Flexibility is Key to Success

Keep in mind that your potential buyers are not likely to have the same flexibility you do to tour homes and return calls. You should expect to work at least some nights and weekends because of this. This could involve anything from showing homes to potential buyers to working with sellers and returning phone calls. In this career, flexibility and success typically go together.

Top Rated Home Warranty Company in Arizona and California

Are you ready to learn more about protecting your home or your client’s homes by contracting with a home and roof warranty company California and Arizona? Please contact HomeGuard HomeWarranty today with your questions or call us at 1-866-993-2301 to discuss options and get a free quote.