Have You Serviced your HVAC System This Year? A Home Repair Plan Can Help!

Written By: Ben on June 30, 2021

home repair plan

Home Repair Plans Should Include Preventative HVAC Maintenance

Now that the summer is here, you’re probably looking forward to being able to turn down your thermostat, open up your windows, and enjoy the warmer weather. After all, if it gets too hot outside, you can always turn on your air conditioner and stay in your comfortably cool home, right? Well, that is probably the case if you have a newer and reliable HVAC system, but you might run into some problems if you’ve neglected some basic air conditioning maintenance.

While your air conditioning might work properly more often than not, it’s still subject to a lot of issues after it hasn’t been used for several months. The condenser coil on your outdoor unit can get dirty, thermostats can malfunction if they’re too outdated, and the ductwork within your walls can collect dust or start to leak. Fortunately, these problems are relatively easy to avoid and easy to repair if they’re caught early enough.

First of all, you should at least be checking your HVAC system’s air filter once a month. A lot of high-end filters can supposedly last for three months or longer, but they often need to be replaced sooner than that. To be safe and ensure that your HVAC system will last for years, it’s best to replace your air filter every month.

Second of all, schedule a maintenance visit with your local HVAC repair company every spring. This will ensure that any problems you might have with your system will be caught early while they’re still easy to repair.

Third, check your outdoor air conditioning unit. This unit is exposed to the elements at all times, and after not being used for the entire fall and winter, it has almost certainly collected plenty of dust and dirt. Clear out any branches, leaves, and other debris that might be crowding the unit, and wipe down the condenser coil since it can cause serious problems with your system if it gets too dirty.

Find a Home Repair Plan that has HVAC Coverage and Tuneups Included!

Finally, look into getting HVAC coverage in California. This is often included in a typical home protection plan in California, and it can save you a lot of money and grief if you need to have any serious repairs made to your air conditioner. To find out more about home protection plans in California or to find one that works best for your home, contact HomeGuard HomeWarranty. We offer a very affordable plan that includes two yearly HVAC tuneups, which is often all you need to ensure that your HVAC system stays functional for years to come. For more information about finding a home repair plan in California that works best for you, contact us today.